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Researching Local Interests for the Future of a Mountain Resort Town

The survey sets-out to gather community-insights for a redevelopment proposal of a major mountain resort town near Quebec City. The work was commissioned by ‘Les amis du Mont Sainte-Anne’, a group of over 200 residents working to promote public investment locally. Research conducted with the design firm, Lemay.

My role for this project was to design the survey, analyse a ski town and draft ta visually driven report (Attached here). The questions were crafted as a result of multiple exchanges with the client and team members at Lemay. I carried out the analysis using the Tableau Software. The report was finalized in InDesign. Overall, we were able to gather responses from over 1,800 participants, capturing users across all demographics, for a margin of sampling error at ±3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.