
Post-Disaster Interdisciplinary Scenario Seminar

Summer 2010. Academic Workshop Teaching

Post-Disaster Interdisciplinary Scenario Seminar (ISS): The Kashmir Earthquake

University College London, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU)

Interdisciplinary Workshop co-taught as Teaching Assistant with: Camillo Boano, Tiziana Rostto, Babar Muntaz, Helen Bottomley (UCL), Victoria Batchelor (Arup International Development), Maggie Stephenson (UN-Habitat Pakistan)

* Link to event here

Seminar Description

The Interdisciplinary Scenario Seminar (ISS) is a collaborative learning opportunity bringing together MSc students from the Development Planning Unit and Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (MSc Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management) interested in disaster management and recovery. The scenario is an opportunity for students to work together on a real post-earthquake disaster

The aim of the exercise is to prepare a post disaster recovery plan to be discussed with local authorities. Participants have to consider the natural hazards, social and physical vulnerabilities in geographical space and the influence their policies and plans will have on reducing or increasing the risk to parts of the population affected. They will have to deal with lack of information, incoming news and will have to consider the specialists and organisations at work in the field, transcending disciplines and seeking to create a common language and culture among the different professions that participate in the disaster cycle (mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, recovery and reconstruction).