
Liminal Contours

Summer 2012. Teaching ETH Zurich

Zurich Liminal Contours. DPU SummerLAB

ETH Zurich x UCL The Bartlett

* Summer course organized in collaboration between ETH Zurich and The Bartlett for the DPU SummerLAB.

* Based in Zurich

* 1 week course

* Studio Format / Intensive Field Work

* Co-taught with William Hunter (UCL Bartlett) & Sarah Nichols (ETH Zürich)

Course Description

DPU summerLab finally landed in Zurich, which saw the exploration of renewed ways of ‘mapping’ and ‘interpreting’ as a gesture of complex lines of movement, a series of spatial storytelling along the edges of the spaces that contains it, creating, like in a musical plot, a sequence of distinct intervals of silence, emptiness and thresholds.

The act of navigating the city through explorations in contour, marked material and immaterial investigations of a composite of fragments of landscape, an alternative topography of impressions, manifestations and ideas.

DPU summerLab in Zurich tried to understand the Langstrasse Quarter and the Altstetten site across a package of thematic notions: visibility, thresholds, juxtaposition, inheritance, temporary, and public as potentially reconfiguring elements for mapping the phenomenological characteristics of these areas that lead to the interpretation of potential tactics and interventions of a spatial design thinking.