works that profits everyone

I'm an urbanist and strategist deeply engaged in design research for urban transformation. I blend behavioral science, urban theory and ethnography to drive social innovation in various territorial settings, from cities to the countryside.


Project List


Urban Strategy. Mini Hubs for Bicycle Package Delivery (with Lemay)


User Research & Master Plan. Reviving a Hillside Town (with Lemay)


Essay. Retraining your ethnographic muscles for design ethnography (Medium, UX Collective)

Research & Site Development. Re-imagining the Storage Space Company (with workroom B)

Business Design. Creating a Resort to Break Loose from the City (with workroom B)


Design Research & Architecture. Working House (with workroom B)

Research & Territorial Planning. Tourism Planning for a Tropical Paradise (with workroom B)


Book Publication. Cities in Common (UCLA Urban Humanities)
Teaching. Design Research in Urban Humanities (UCLA Architecture / Urban Planning / Humanities)
Teaching. History of the Built Environment in the US (UCLA Urban Planning)


Book Review. Tracing the Limits of Activist Architecture (The Journal of Architecture, Routledge)
Peer-Review Article. The Baltimore Plan (Urban History, Cambridge University Press)
Architectural Design. Structure 11/12 (w/ Atelier Jäggi Leclair)
Publication. Ghost Guides to Tokyo 2020 (UCLA Uran Humanities)
Teaching. LA Tech City: Digital Technologies and Spatial Justice (UCLA Humanities)
Teaching. Urban Humanities in Action: Human-Centered Design (UCLA Architecture)
Teaching. Moving Cities: The Politics of the Commons (UCLA Architecture / Urban Planning / Humanities)
Teaching. Urban Humanities: Ghost Guides to Tokyo (UCLA Architecture / Urban Planning / Humanities)
Teaching. Urban Humanities: Guides to Tokyo (UCLA Architecture / Urban Planning / Humanities)


Publication. Catching Rain in Singapore (Harvard Design Magazine)


Editorial Design. Catalogue of Research Methods and Practices in Urban Humanities (UCLA Urban Humanities)


Design Services. Solving Energy Waste with Human-Centered Design (Grupo Modelo)

Exhibition. It's all Happening so Fast (Canadian Center for Architecture)
Cartographies of Planetary Organization Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture
Publication. The Baltimore Ghetto (Doctoral Dissertation, ETH Zurich Department of Architecture)
Editorial Design. The Baltimore Ghetto (ETH Zurich)
Public Lecture. Failure Points, Space Making, & the Relevance of Architecture (Singapore, Urban Redevelopment Authority)


Peer-Review Article. The Wire as Speculative Research (Architectural Research Quarterly, Cambridge University Press)
Peer-Review Article. Potential, Freedom, and Space (Space & Polity, Routledge)
Publication. Trials and Territories (Spaces of Change, ETH Zurich)
Publication. Designing Singapore (Oak Street Magazine)
Editorial Design. Spaces of Change (ETH Zurich)
Exhibition. Spaces of Change (Zurich)
Exhibition. Spaces of Change (Singapore)
Keynote Lecture. Ghettos and Buildings (ETH Zurich)


Peer-Review Article. No Constraint, or the Potential to Not Do (Trans, GTA ETH)
Peer-Review Paper. Beirut Divided (UCL Development Planning Unit)
Book Chapter. Modernism out of Context (Contested Urbanism in Dharavi, UCL Press)
Public Lecture. Public Health in the Dysfunctional City (CREATE, Singapore)


Public Lecture. Outdoing Space (American Association of Geographers, New York City)
Teaching. Zurich Liminal Contours (ETH Zurich x UCL)
Teaching. Co-Production of Housing at Scale (UCL Studio in Bangkok)


Exhibition. West Bank Lab (Slade Gallery, London)
Public Lecture. Military Urbanism & Counteractive Architecture (EPFL Alice Lab Lecture Series)
Conference Paper. Military Urbanism & Counteractive Architecture (Future Cities Laboratory International Conference, Singapore)
Online Article. Retracing 'Singapore Songlines' through Orchard Road (The Polis Blog)
Teaching. Brescia: The City of Euphemia I (UCL Studio in Brescia)


Conference Paper. The Recovery of Beirut in the Aftermath of the Lebanese Civil War (i-Rec Conference, Montreal)
Online Article. Are Architects the Last People Needed for Reconstruction? (The Polis Blog)
Architectural Design & Construction. Stargazing Pavillon (AA School of Architecture, Hooke Park)
Exhibition. The Red Castle and the Lawless Line (Oslo Biennale of Architecture)
Online Article. The Red Castle and the Lawless Line (The Polis Blog)
Teaching. Post-Disaster Interdisciplinary Scenario Seminar (UCL Bartlett)
Teaching. Negotiating the Future of Hasankeyf (UCL Development Planning Unit)
Urban Design Project. UNESCO Nature Trail (Battir, Palestine)
Exhibition. Fresh Poems & Lost Poems (Slade Gallery, London)


Community Design. Rethinking Low-Income Housing through Qualitative Research (Dharavi)


City Planning Project. Bus Rapid Transit Stations (Indian Institute of Technology/World Health Organization, New Delhi)
Urban Design Project. Badha Lake and Hospital Road (Fazilka)

PhD Architecture (ETH Zurich)
MSc Urban Design Dist. (UCL Bartlett)
BSc Urban Planning (U Montréal)

Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) License No. 508073/ZH
Candian Insitute of Planners (CIP)
Ordre des urbanistes du Quebec (OUQ) License No. 2143

Currently Director at workroom B and Project Director at BC2.